I got a new toy
Mom was at the thrift store the other day and found a Boye Needlemaster set for $2.00 It is not complete, but I am hoping to find the missing peices on ebay. Two of the needles had the adaptors screwed in so tight I couldn't get them off, but Don saved the day with a pair of vice grips. I need to buff one needle, but other than that it was a great bargain for $2.00. 
Oh, here is a pic Val sent to me. This is soooo cute!!
Summer semester is almost over, one more week. After that I am going to try and get the charts done for the Shadow knit scarf. I am excited about how many people are waiting for this. I'm gonna start working on it next week, so be patient!

Oh, here is a pic Val sent to me. This is soooo cute!!
Summer semester is almost over, one more week. After that I am going to try and get the charts done for the Shadow knit scarf. I am excited about how many people are waiting for this. I'm gonna start working on it next week, so be patient!